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A biodiverse wildflower meadow for Texel

Giving nature a sustainable helping hand

Bloemrijk Texel is all about giving nature a sustainable helping hand. You won’t find us shouting our message from the rooftops but sticking to our roots. Literally – in an annual flower meadow full of native species! Hence our name in Dutch, celebrating these blooming beauties . This green idea, backed by our vast experience of growing bulbs and planted on our surplus land, will offer a feast for butterflies and wild bees. We aim to seriously increase how many seeds we plant in tulip fields and annual flower meadows . We’re confident we can do it, but we need your help. Please support us and Texel’s biodiversity!

It’s in our nature

My belief

We should give back to Planet Earth

My idea

A meadow bursting with native flowers, right here on Texel

Time for action

Adopt one metre square of meadow

Do your bit


Adopt one metre square (or more!) of meadow on Texel and support our plucky pollinators.

We’re buzzing
with ideas!

    Do your bit

    Online store

    Buy a seed packet and plant your own flowers at home. Follow the instructions and watch your colourful flowers spring into life.

    Frank Spooren, director of Texel tourist information office

    The Texel tourist information office knows how powerful local communities can be. As the authority on tourism on Texel, we’re part of that local spirit and committed to ensuring our island is healthy and sustainable. We need the initiative and support of players in many different domains to achieve that goal. That’s why we fully support Vincent Lap’s initiative to create a native wildflower meadow.

    Family van Bavel

    During our day on Texel we drove past your beautiful field of flowers. What a beautiful barn and beautiful water feature: a White Wagtail made grateful use of it. Very nice to have seen everything in bloom once, beautiful those cornflowers! Bought flower seeds and with this also compliments for you, your set up and the result. Hope you can acquire more land in the future, we will definitely continue to participate!

    Anke and Henoch Bakker, Drachten

    Last June we stayed on Texel and had a wonderful bike ride. We passed by your project at the Rommelpot. Before our departure we put together another bunch from this picking garden. We think it is a beautiful initiative. Hopefully more people will adopt a piece of land!

    Magda Zarges

    Adopting a patch of flower meadow near my native soil is a nice opportunity to keep that part of Texel beautiful. Vincent is working on native flowers, which also brings in extra bees and butterflies. Add a bench there with the photo of Westerend, so that too can be remembered for years to come. A nice initiative.