Adopt a plot

What a great idea!
The red, yellow and purple bulb fields of Holland (and Texel!) are iconic. Tulips are one of our top export products, appreciated by millions across the globe. But Bloemrijk Texel is on a different mission: we want to give back to nature. That’s why we’re sowing a native wildflower meadow and letting it flourish as nature intended. No chemicals, just lots of love.
The meadow is home to a vibrant mix of native wildflower species: lady’s bedstraw, thrift, mouse-ear hawkweed, common poppy and more. Each is as charming as the next. And as they grow naturally on Texel, they promote the island’s biodiversity. By adopting a square metre (or more!) of meadow, you can help us on our mission.
Want to adopt a plot?
Every square metre we sow thanks to your support means so much to us. To adopt a plot, all you have to do is complete the adoption form. Fill in your details, pay with iDEAL and you’re done!
We’ll e-mail you your certificate, which is valid for one year. You’re very welcome to adopt several square metres of meadow. And the more you adopt, the bigger your discount. Just think of all those happy bees, butterflies and pollinators...
Tier 1
0 – 9 m2
€15 per m2
Tier 2
First 9 m2
€15 per m2
From 10 to 99 m2
€12.50 per m2
Tier 3
from 100 m2
On enquiry

Gift idea
Gift your family, friends or colleagues a plot of Texel meadow. You’ll find a separate option for this on the form. You can choose who the certificate is sent to and when, and even type a personal message. We’ll add a note that this lovely gift is from you! If you’d like to know more, please see the FAQs.
Every plot helps
By adopting a plot, you help to breathe life into our vibrant meadow. If you also fancy rolling up your sleeves, you’re welcome to join us here and immerse yourself in this growing and buzzing garden of life.
- A guided tour
- A subscription to our newsletter
- A mention on our website
- A certificate
How your
contribution helps
25,000 m2 of flowers
Our farmland is in a picturesque corner of Texel, hugging the dunes and forest near Den Hoorn. This is where we sow 25,000 m2 of native wildflowers like common foxglove, common poppy and campion – a feast for bees and butterflies!
Buy seed mixes
IVN, the Dutch foundation committed to teaching children and adults about nature, conducted research into native Texel flowers and told us which seeds we needed. We buy mixtures of these seeds to sow on our meadow. We also sell seed mixtures for you to grow at home.
Bloemrijk Texel organises guided tours (see our newsletter for the dates) of the meadow. We’ll tell you all about our project, the flowers and our mission to boost biodiversity on Texel. You can ask us any questions you like and pick our brains about our approach to nature-inclusive farming.
New developments
We’re always thinking of new ideas. For instance, we’ve built a lovely picnic area for visitors and added a pond to the flower meadow. Swallows love it! A pick-your-own garden, new plots of meadow, and much more are in the pipeline.

A blooming business
Calling all busy-bee business owners from Texel and beyond: do you want to be part of the buzz and sow the seeds of change? Tell your guests and customers about us and help us grow our meadow. If you have any of your own ideas for promotions, no matter how wild, we’d love to hear them!
What’s in it for you?
Besides the positive PR, you’ll get:
- A guided tour
- A subscription to our newsletter
- A mention on our website
- A certificate