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Bloemrijk Texel

We want more biodiversity, butterflies and bees. Because we know that a healthy ecosystem is key to our happiness and survival on earth – it’s what puts food on our plates. Do you want to do your bit by adopting a square metre of meadow? If you have any questions about our seed packets or would like to join a tour, have a look at the FAQs or get in touch. We’ll e-mail or call you back as soon as we can.


Do you love the idea of our Texel wildflower meadow and want to support nature? Or are you looking to create a lovely flower garden at home? We’ve compiled these FAQs to help you find all the information you need.

Adoptions / Certificates

I’d like to adopt a square metre of wildflower meadow. What do I need to do?

All you need to do is complete our order form. Simply fill in your details, pay with iDEAL and you’re done! We’ll e-mail you your certificate, which is valid for one year. Read more.

How long is a certificate valid?

A certificate is valid for one year starting from the date shown on the certificate. If you send a certificate as a gift on a later date, that date will be also shown on the certificate.

How quickly are certificates sent after purchase?

Certificates are usually sent immediately after purchase. However, you can choose to have the certificate sent to you on another date. You can state your preferred date on the online form.

Can I buy a certificate and gift it to someone else?

Of course! We’ve added that option to the order form. Simply fill in the recipient’s details, or put yourself down as the recipient if you’d prefer to hand over the certificate personally. We’ll send the certificate immediately or on the date you’ve stated. Read more.

Can I also have the gift certificate sent to my e-mail address?

Yes! Just fill in your own e-mail address instead of selecting the option ‘is this a gift?’. The certificate will be in the name of the person you’re gifting the plot to, but it’ll be sent to your e-mail address.

Wildflower meadow / Picking flowers

Where is the wildflower meadow?

The wildflower meadow is near Den Hoorn. View the location.

When can I visit the wildflower meadow?

The wildflower meadow is accessible to the public and open all day. There’s a bench for you to take a seat and enjoy the stunning views.

Is there always a member of Bloemrijk Texel staff present at the meadow?

No, as we tend to other meadows besides this one. However, you’ll be greeted by lots of bees and butterflies!

I can’t find my adopted plot. Where is it?

Your adoption supports our entire project. That means you won’t find any bits of meadow cordoned off with your name on it. If you’ve adopted a plot, you can pick one bunch of flowers from the meadow.

Do I need to show my certificate if I want to pick flowers?

We believe in mutual trust – it’s the Texel way of doing things. If you have a certificate, you can pick one bunch of flowers. We won’t carry out checks, as we assume you have the meadow’s best interests at heart.

When are the open field days?

During the flowering season (May to September), we organise an open field day on average once a month. Come along and learn all about our project and the flowers, and ask us any questions. The dates of the open field days will be announced in our newsletter.

Buying, sowing and caring for seeds

Are Bloemrijk Texel’s seed mixes suitable for my garden?

Yes, you can sow our seed mixes in any type of soil. But remember: seeds are a natural product and some may not germinate, no matter how well you care for them. Read more about plant growth and flowering.

When can I sow wildflowers?

You can sow wildflowers in spring and autumn. Annuals can be sown from March to the beginning of June. Perennials should be sown in autumn when the ground is at the right temperature, so that the seeds germinate quickly and develop a strong root system.

How deep should I sow the seeds?

The seeds should be sown at a depth of around 2 centimetres.

How much seed mix should I use and how much space do they need?

You don’t need many seeds to create a nice bed of flowers. On average, use about 1 to 2 grams of seed mix per square metre. If you sow them too lavishly, there could be too many flowers in one spot and they may start to compete with each other.

How often should I water the seeds?

Water them twice in the first week, every three days. If the weather has been warm, give them another bit of water after a week.

How long does it take for buds to mature?

If you sow in May, June or July, you’ll see the first signs of life after one week. If you sow in other months, this may take several weeks. Give nature time and space, and remember that the weather and your soil also influence your plants’ growth.

For businesses

I have a business and want to support the initiative. What are my options?

I have a business and want to support the initiative. What are my options?

You’re very welcome to adopt several square metres of meadow. If you’d like to discuss more personalised options, please get in touch with us.


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